Ver 多十郎殉愛記 (2019) Película Completa Online Latino - Set in Kyoto in the last days of the Edo Period, the bloody conflict continues between local feudal domains, which aim to overthrow the Tokugawa Shogunate, and the Shogun's police and city patrol. Tajuro Kiyokawa, once the master of the sword but now a depraved samurai who left his domain putting aside his past ambition, barely makes ends meet. Toyo, a woman who runs a tavern next door, feels affection for Tajuro who guards her place against nasty customers, but he never realizes Toyo's feelings.
- Género: Drama
- País: Japan
- Director: 中島貞夫
- Actores: 高良健吾, 多部未華子, 木村了, 永瀬正敏, 寺島進, 三島ゆり子, 濱田崇裕, 福本清三, 堀田眞三, Kunikida Kappa, Yasuko Takahashi, 野口貴史, 谷口節, 山本千尋, 住田隆, Aina Fukumoto, Charu Inoue, Yuki Kitamura, Kobori Masahiro, 工藤堅太郎, Asahi Kurizuka,