ダムド・ファイル 1
ダムド・ファイル 1
Ver ダムド・ファイル 1 (2004) Película Online - This is the first volume of a series of one-part horror dramas based on rumored haunted places, real-life stories, and accidents that occurred in various regions, and which have had a nationwide impact since being aired on Nagoya TV in July 2003.
- Género: Terror
- País: Japan
- Director: 万田邦敏, Hiroshi Tomizuka, 七字幸久, Masaki Hamamoto
- Actores: 山口香緒里, 近藤公園, 豊原功補, 清水宏, Michiko Iwahashi, 八十田勇一, 加藤亮夫, Kazuma Aramoto,