Leuchtturm des Chaos
Leuchtturm des Chaos
Ver Leuchtturm des Chaos (1983) Película Completa Online Español - A superb, moving and thrilling interview with American actor Sterling Hayden (1916-86), held in Besançon, France, on board a dilapidated barge, when he was 65 years old. An unparalleled portrait, in his own words and without any qualms, of a legendary Hollywood star, icon of film noir and the western, who was also a marine, an OSS agent, an anti-communist informer, a writer and a wandering sailor: the hero of his own life.
- Género: Documental
- País: Germany
- Director: Manfred Blank, Wolf-Eckart Bühler
- Actores: Charles Brauer, Sterling Hayden, Burkhard Driest, Hannes Wader, Hanns Zischler,