Ver Catatonia (2014) Película Completa Online Latino - The lone survivor of the brutal Oakhurst Sanatorium Murders, suffers from severe post-traumatic dissociative disorder in a state run mental health facility. Budget-cuts lead to the transfer of the criminally-insane killer she escaped right to her hospital, while the true supernatural force behind the killings wants to finish what begun the night of the murders.
- Género: Suspense, Terror
- País: United States of America
- Director: Frank S Petrilli
- Actores: Kim Kleemichen, Tom Petrone, Vinny Bernardo, Chris Paul Kelley, Ann Parkhurst, Katie Hodges, Daniela Rivera, Pamela Rose Cichy, Stan Saja, Jessica DiGirolamo, Shannon Leigh Milich, Becky Byers, Delaney Smeal,